#ā€” #layout: archive #title: ā€œCVā€ #permalink: /cv/ #author_profile: true #redirect_from:

- /resume

#ā€” # # # #Education #====== #* B.S. in GitHub, GitHub University, 2012 #* M.S. in Jekyll, GitHub University, 2014 #* Ph.D in Version Control Theory, GitHub University, 2018 (expected) # #Work experience #====== #* Summer 2015: Research Assistant

* Github University

* Duties included: Tagging issues

* Supervisor: Professor Git

# #* Fall 2015: Research Assistant

* Github University

* Duties included: Merging pull requests

* Supervisor: Professor Hub

#Skills #====== #* Skill 1 #* Skill 2

* Sub-skill 2.1

* Sub-skill 2.2

* Sub-skill 2.3

#* Skill 3 # #Publications #======






#Talks #======







#Teaching #======





#Service and leadership #====== #* Currently signed in to 43 different slack teams